Channel Selector Portal

The Portal offers the functionality via which consumers can view their DPO’s offerings, fetch the existing subscription details, choose & optimize channel and Bouquet selection, modify existing selection and set selection with respective DPOs.

The Portal will suggest an optimum configuration i.e. combination of Channels/Bouquet based on consumer’s selection so as to reduce total monthly bill. In addition, will suggest combination of Channels/Bouquet based on consumer’s interest keeping in view geographical, regional, language, genres, etc. preferences. The Portal also allows to download & print current subscription, offerings and set subscription request.

 Portal for Exemption from SMS Termination Charges

This Portal facilitates Government entities to online apply for the exemption from SMS termination charges up to 5 paisa for registered headers under Regulation 35 of TCCCPR, 2018. This portal also help Government entities to know about the renewal dates and other information related 5 paisa exemption.

Mobile Number Revocation List (MNRL) Portal

MNRL portal is a platform where respective TSPs can submit the list of permanently disconnected mobile numbers. The stakeholders like banks can download MNRL and clean up their databases by using their own workflows (for example, a bank could download the list, check each number and if it is one of their customers', then can flag it, and let the customer update it with his new number). The stakeholders thereby shall not send one-time password etc. to someone other than their customer. This will help those customers, who may either not be using the concerned services regularly and hence do not find a reason to update their mobile number, or due to lack of awareness of potential danger due to mobile number reuse on re-allocation of a mobile number to other person/entity.

MNRL FAQs - Download (69.07 KB)

Header Information Portal

The Header Information Portal facilitates Customers to know the sender of Commercial and Government awareness communications. This portal may also help other principal entities to check whether any look-alike header is registered by any other entity. Anyone can query a particular header or download the complete list. TSPs can upload the list of alpha-numeric headers assigned to Principal Entities (Business or legal entities).

B&CS Integrated Portal (BIPS)

BIPS facilitates all stakeholders of Broadcasting Sector viz. Broadcasters and Distributors to submit information related to Interconnection and other agreements pursuant to the “Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Register of Interconnection Agreements and all such other matters Regulations, 2019.

Tariff Portal

Tariff Portal is a platform where consumers are facilitated to see tariffs of different ISPs / TSPs and their different Licensed Service Areas (LSAs) at a single place. This platform benefits not only the consumers but also helps other stakeholders to do a comparative analysis.

TRAI Analytics Portal

It facilitates users and service providers to explore and resolve various issues in different telecom services. It has three portals for different Quality of Service parameters:

  • TRAI MySpeed Portal: It facilitates users to explore the Mobile Data experience of customers across India. Users can submit data by downloading the app and testing their data speeds.
  • TRAI Drive Test Portal: It is a portal to explore the results of independent drive tests done TRAI.